Grade 7 Science



The outcomes and content of this course will be designed according to the guidelines and objectives published by the Dept. of Education with the aim of achieving the Provincial Outcomes.  These outcomes can be viewed by a link from the class website; the address is


and click on the link Provincial Outcomes.  Various assignments will be posted here throughout the year as well as class announcements and activities that students can do on days when school is cancelled.  Many assignments will be done entirely in-line in the School’s computer lab or, if a student misses time, at home using a personal computer if one is available.



Students are required to have a one inch binder with loose-leaf for your Science note book this year.  This page MUST be the first sheet in your note book.

They are responsible for keeping your notebook in good shape for the whole year: do not destroy the cover, do not draw or write on the cover, etc.

Notebooks are to be divided into the following 5 sections

1.  Notes

2.  Assignments

3.  Handouts

4.  Diagrams

5.  Miscellaneous



There are 3 terms this year. Each individual term mark will be calculated as follows:

1.      Classmark ( daily assignments, classwork, arriving on time and prepared for class, following the C.A.R.E. system)………………….…20%

2.      Projects/Labs………………………..……………….20%

3.      Note book, long-term assignments………….……..40%

4.      Tests ( formal and informal)…………………………20%


The final mark for grade 7 will be an average of the terms’ marks.


-If you are absent on the day of a test, you will be expected to write it on the first day you return.  All tests must be signed by a parent/guardian and returned promptly.


Text – Science and Technology 7


Specific Course Content


1.     Pure Substances and Mixtures Unit 1 – Physical Science

2.     Structural Strength and Stability Unit 3 – Physical Science

3.     The Earth’s Crust  Unit 4 – Earth and Space Science

4.     Interactions Within Ecosystems Unit 5 – Life Science

5.     Heat Unit 2 – Physical Science

6.     Unit 6, The Skills Handbook, will be covered throughout the year on an as needed basis.

7.     I have also applied to The Green Street project to have the grade 7 and participate in a special project on the Grizzly Bear.




If at any time, you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by phoning the school at 689-6100 and leave a message; I will return your call as soon as I am able.  Throughout the year, I may send home information sheets on what we are doing in class and if I need to contact you personally, I will telephone you directly.  All homework should be available on the homework hotline.  In addition, class announcements will, from time to time, be posted on the website noted above.