Champlain’s 400th Anniversary
Go to the following website
Answer the following questions
in complete sentences and save as: Champlains Part
m1. Do NOT cut and paste!!
1. What did the Basque fishermen find?
2. How much was a beaver robe worth? What would it cost the fisherman?
3. What did Aymar de Chastes form?
4. Who was the King of France at this time?
5. What did he recruit Champlain to do?
6. When and where was Samuel de Champlain born? Where and when did he die?
7. As what id he known?
8. After the death of de Chastes,
who did the king choose to lead the expedition?
9. What was a well known disaster area?
10. What title did De Monts
receive? What did he receive this in
exchange for?
11. How many men did he recruit? How many ships doid
he have?
12. When the the expedition
arrive at the mouth of the
13. What did the commander name the river and the island?
14. How many of the men had returned to
15. What disease soon made its appearance? Go to the following website and find out the
2 fruits that help cure scurvy; in addition
Click on the word something on this page to
find out what vitamin is needed to combat this disease.
16. Click on the following link and write out the
definition and symptoms of the disease scurvy you find there (this is
definition #1):