This virtual tour and the document or project you
will produce is an opportunity for you to discover information about G.M.F’s.
Don't be worried if you are wondering:
“What are
That is the first piece of information you will
be discovering and first question you will be answering.
You are to investigate this topic scientifically using the tools we have discussed in class; this will allow you to look at an issue in a scientific manner.
This project is divided into two parts: a fact-finding
mission and a short write up where you will be required to further your
explorations and reach some conclusions based on your research.
For the first part of this project, you will be
visiting a number of places on the net; these will be called Stops
and at each stop you will be required to answer a number of questions.
You are to find the answers to these questions at each stop.
Let's try an example; click on the link below and you will visit a site where you can find the answer to the following question.
1. What do the initials G.M.F. mean? (Hint-look for a 3 word term beginning with G, M and F).
Did you find the answer?If so, well done!If not, don't worry; ask you classmates or the teacher for help…it’s easy!
A few comments about the
1 . All work must be passed into the teacher as a word processing document.
2 . All questions in Part 1 must be answered in sentences.
3. You may pass the assignment in on a disk.
4 . The final assignment, Part 2, where you are to produce a document giving your own conclusions on the subject of G.M.F.’s MUST be backed up with scientific research and NOT be just your own opinion.
5.The final product will be marked not only for content, but also for form so pay attention to such things as grammar and spelling.
O.K.Are you ready?Lets start our voyage.
Part 1
We are going to begin by revisiting Stop 1 to help us understand a couple of terms we hear quite often nowadays.At this stop, answer the following questions about these terms
1. What is a gene?
2. What do the initials GRAS mean?
3. What is an allergen?Does this affect you?
4. Phytoremediation
is a big word for something quite simple.What
does this word mean?
After reaching the next
stop, scroll down the page until you reach the section called
What are some of the
advantages of GM Foods?
Read this section and answer the following questions
1. What is the present population of the world today?
2. What is it expected to be in 50 years?
3. What
are 8 ways GMF’s might help with the problem of feeding this population?
Part 2 As with any issue, there
are 2 sides to the story.
Read this section to get
an idea of why some people do not support GMF’s.
one of the search engines we have used in class to discover more on the
issue of GMF’s.Write a section giving
the conclusions you have reached from your research.Remember
to base your conclusions on what you believe to be sound science and not
just uninformed opinions of individuals.