Grade 6 French – 2003-2004
The Acti Vie program will be
used as a starting point, but this will be augmented by a large variety of
resources, such as authentic documents, IT, and the Internet. The C.A.R.E philosophy
will be emphasized:
– Cooperation
– Attitude
– Respect
E –
and parents are encouraged to visit the class website at
throughout the year.
General year long topics: numbers, the alphabet, the
days/months/seasons, colours, specific grammar concepts and pronunciation.
Specific course topics – Semester 1
1. Return to school (Notre Ecole) – this will be a review. In addition, we will be beginning a unit on animals..
2. Buildings (Une Maison pas comme les autres) –
Grade 6 - October/November
3. Christmas (Noel) – December
4. Seasons – January/February
5. Animals/Weather –
Environment et moi/Fetons l’hiver–
6. Review and a unit it be
decided – May/June
1. Thanksgiving /October– October
2. L’Halloween - October
3. Remembrance Day (Le jour de
souvenir) November.
4. Noel - December
5. Valentine’s Day (Le jour de
Saint-Valentin) -– February
6. Saint Patrick’s Day (Le jour de Saint-Patrice)
7. Easter (Paques)
8. Review – May June
language learning is a long-term process and evaluation will recognize this;
therefore, mastery of the language at this level is an unrealistic expectation
and evaluation will reflect this.
Students will be evaluated based on participation and effort, not on
mastery of any linguistic principle.
Participation –
this includes daily assignments, in class activities, discussions, written
homework and games. Evaluation will be
in the form of a rubric reflecting the level of participation in each area.
Assignments – all
students will be expected to complete the major assignments/projects given each
term. Evaluation will be in the form of
a letter and/or number grade.
Quizzes –
evaluation will be in the form of a number grade.
Notebooks – evaluation will
be in the form of a letter grade
If at any time, you have any questions, please feel free to contact me
by phoning the school at 689-6100 and leave a message; I will return your call
as soon as I am able. Throughout the
year, I may send home information sheets on what we are doing in class and if I
need to contact you personally, I will telephone you directly. All homework should be available on the
homework hotline. In addition, class
announcements will, from time to time, be posted on the website noted above.